Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer is Here!

Oh my, has life been busy, Busy, BUSY!

I finally got settled here in Scottsdale. I absolutely LOVE it! It's great to finally be living with Rob, I'm close to Tay & Kris, and Sis & Bebe Caleb!

Caleb was born on 4.15.08 @ 11:25am @ the West Valley Medical Center. He was only 5 lbs. 12 oz! He is just such a joy and so, so, so cute! I am so blessed to have my lil Squishy [as I call him] in my life... Here's a pic of him in his bouncy:

Here he is at graduation [smiling for Aunt B!]:

Speaking of graduation... it was amazing. It was like a flicker and it was over with. Oh, and did I mention it was soooo long? Here's a pic of me and my new friend Jenny [jschisse!]:
We're going to be working together, both of us start @ Deloitte in the Fall [so excited!]

And this was after grad:
I'm studying for the CPA Exam [Financial Portion]. It's only day two and I am exhausted. haha only like 36 more weeks of studying and test-taking left!

We are making progress on the wedding. . . I will get my wedding website together [finally] and post the link once it's ready!
Not much else going on here... haha finally updated this thing after Riles gave me a hard time[Thx, buddy]!
Hope all is well!

1 comment:

Nick & Kristen said...

YOu look so pretty Briana! I LOVE your hair color...great inspiration for me!!!