Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's about time for an update. . .


I never actually posted this blog... it's from September 12, 2008.

So it's been forever since I last wrote in my blog. I've had a great summer filled with lots of time with my family, and lots of relaxation. Also, got a lot of stuff done for the wedding which I will have NO time to do starting Monday! This summer I was able to revitalize my spirit and get my head back on straight. (haha)

I so enjoyed my time with my friends at Austin & Angie's wedding in Ohio. It was the most fantastic time I've had in SUCH a long time. It was so great for all of us to be together again! Here's a pic of all of the girls with the beautiful bride!

I went to Minnesota after my trip to Ohio and was able to spend some time with my family. I was sad that Rob couldn't go, but I promised him that he could go next time! It was a great time and I am excited for those who can make it to the wedding... it's going to be great to see everyone again!

We go to go down to Elfrida in July to see Great-Granny Ruby and Tom. It was such a great visit and we drove home in the worst storm I think I've ever been in (in Tucson)!

Michelle also had her baby in July. Ryder is just a lil guy but is getting so big! Congrats to Seth & Michelle!

We spent Labor Day in Pinetop. I kinda wish we went to San Diego to see Timmy, but it was still a great time. It's so peaceful up there and I LOVE the weather. I must also say that I won all the games (well, most of them).

I've been watching Isabella the last few Wednesdays. It's great to reconnect with her... we haven't had much time with her due to all the Monica drama and I'm so glad that David sees how much she misses our family. She's so sassy!

One of the things I've been most greatful for this summer is being close to Andi & Joe & Caleb. He is getting soooooo big and I love that I get to see him so much! He's such a love & Andi tells everyone he loves his Aunt B the most! (he really does) :)

I started a daily devotional where I open my Bible to a random page and write down a verse, try to define it in my own words, and then apply it to my life. It will be great to get my thoughts and prayers on paper. I know it will help me to keep my faith a priority and focus on it more.

Well, I leave for LA on Sunday to start a new chapter. Deloitte is going to be a great company to work for and I am excited for my future with them. I planned out my school schedule, CPA study schedule and exams. It's going to take me the next year (straight) to get all of it done. It will be so rewarding to have it all done (especially the awesome bonus) and to be able to start my MBA/graudate studies (hopefully by January 2010).

Well, I think that's it for now. I hope everyone is doing well, I hope to hear from all of you soon!

Bible Verse to think about:

Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.
-Job 8:7



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