Monday, April 7, 2008

NYC Pics and such. . .

K so I promised some pictures... here are a few.
Don't have much time but will keep posting more as I find time!
The Financial District

Bein' Silly in Philly
Deleware River with my l.o.v.e.

Gabe being... Gabe. [at the Rock]

A Park in Philly...

Deleware River again

El Parque Central

Meet me on top of the Empire State!

Brooklyn Bridge Walk. . .

The Rock.

Me... at the Rock.

I believe,

That Love is the greatest thing in the world.

That it alone can overcome hate, that right

can and will triumph over might.

-Rockefeller, Jr.

In Central Park

Le Met

Typical NYC
I hope everyone is doing well . . . I'm terribly sorry school has consumed me lately.

A little scripture before I hit the hay:

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

John 15:13

I have a friend in Jesus. . . do you?

39 more days until I get the most expensive piece of paper of my life!


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