Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bleh . . .

Not much new to report... life is just -ok- right now.

Michelle's Wedding was Saturday. She looked absolutely stunning and made me cry all day long. She's **Mrs.** Hopkins now! Oh geeze!

Dad came home for a few days and left for Bolivia today. I don't get to see him until the baby is born in May and for graduation. I miss him already!

I sent out Sissy's Baby Shower invites today . . . all 130 of them. We're having **3** Baby Showers for her... ohhh that girl - she makes me laugh. They've decided to name him Caleb John Wilhem, so they can name him "CJ". Not my favorite name... Sissy really liked the name Brady and I liked that one a lot more.

Looks like Rob will be moving to Phoenix soon - he starts his new job on March 31. I'm really excited for him. Cintas has been a really tough place for him to be. Let's just say Sales is a tough industry. We've got to figure out this housing thing . . . what to do with his house, whether we're going to rent or buy in Phoenix, etc . . . I wanna be young again so I don't have to worry about all this crap!

School sucks more and more each day... I've never had so many condesending teachers in my life, and I am surely struggling this semester. Oh well, ** Only 66 Days Left** - [Praise the Lord!!!!]

We joined an ABF @ Casas . . . the group is so dynamic and fun. I'm so sad we're going to have to leave our church. We love it so much! We'll figure something out, I guess! I've really been feeling more and more about going on a mission this summer. I've been feeling a calling since January and it's really time to decide if I will go or not . . . I'm leaving it in God's hands to help me decide and figure it out!

I haven't had too much time lately to work on my photography. Riley suggested a book to us and we're getting better! Here's a pretty decent [definitely not perfect] shot [not photoshopped - we haven't bought it yet!]:

These were some flowers Rob bought me - absolutely beautiful! We're going to buy photoshop soon. It's a must - to enhance and perfect our photos!

I think that's it . . . kind of a boring blog, I know. I'm taking a break from studying for my two tests that I have on Wednesday!
**NYC in 2 Days, 5 Hours, and 38 Minutes**

And, of course:
**354 Days until I am Mrs. Robert Rader**

Bible Verse to think about:

"All things are possible with God"

Mark 10:27

much love to all - i hope you are having a blessed week.


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